Entrusted by global clients,
we are a leading provider of
upstream advice to the energy industry.

At Molyneux Advisors,
we advise on how to create value,
through integrated and sustainable improvement.

Upstream advice to achieve long-term solutions within the energy sector

Molyneux Advisors is a leading provider of independent upstream advice, entrusted by global energy clients to deliver end-to-end advisory services that help solve intricate challenges, achieve long-term solutions and create value through integrated and sustainable improvement.

With local insight, global thinking and deep technical knowledge, Molyneux Advisors empowers clients to make informed decisions by delivering multi-disciplinary and unbiased advice, identifying competency gaps, and providing robust mentoring and support.

Molyneux Advisors’ primary expertise lies in the engineering and geoscience disciplines. With extensive industry experience and a streamlined execution strategy, Molyneux Advisors delivers at scale, providing unparalleled, high-impact services to clients.

News At Molyneux Advisors

Our unique points of difference:

Global experience – across six continents

Global experience – across six continents

Work across the business cycle: production, development, exploration and storage

Work across the business cycle: production, development, exploration and storage

Bring integrated solutions to complex problems

Bring integrated solutions to complex problems

Competence in data-rich and data-poor environments

Competence in data-rich and data-poor environments

Perform evaluations in a variety of operational settings: onshore, offshore, deep-water, conventional and unconventional

Perform evaluations in a variety of operational settings: onshore, offshore, deep-water, conventional and unconventional

Competent through the value chain from transaction to procurement

Competent through the value chain from transaction to procurement

Advisory Team

Simon Molyneux

Simon Molyneux

Principal Geoscientist & Managing Director

Hongfeng Wu

Hongfeng Wu

Principal Reservoir Engineer & Director

William Walton

William Walton

Principal Consultant

Alexander Weber

Alexander Weber


David Stevens

David Stevens


Belinda Perriman

Belinda Perriman


Julian Mather

Julian Mather


Martin Storey

Martin Storey


Nick Bahrami

Nick Bahrami


Alex Fuerst

Alex Fuerst
